205-223-4415 shawn@shawnwright.net

Shawn's Blog

Let AI Create Your Podcast

Let AI Create Your Podcast

If you know anything about me, you know that I created two podcasts. The Shades Cahaba Oral History Project and Alabama Short Stories. Creating those podcasts took a lot of time and effort to write and record each episode. I would do a lot of research for each story...

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Using Artificial Intelligence for Video

Using Artificial Intelligence for Video

I am inundated with new ways AI can be used in my business and everyday life. I’m constantly trying to keep up with companies on the cutting edge of AI, offering innovations that can help me in various aspects of my life. It’s a firehose of information. Jeremy Caplan...

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Archive of Posts

Let's Work On A Project Together!

Shawn Wright is a graphic designer in Birmingham, Alabama. He loves print design, web design and brand design. He also helps clients with audio and video projects.


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