205-223-4415 shawn@shawnwright.net

Too Hot Book

This was my first book cover after graduating from college. It’s in here more for sentimental reasons than great design. The author was my first boss, Fred Bonnie. If Fred wasn’t working on his job, he was pounding away on the computer writing another short story. His work ethic is always in the back of my mind as I work on a book or other writing project.

Fred came to me to design his book. He gave me a photo he took of this junker car that was missing a wheel and a front windshield. In the days before computers, this was a more difficult design project than it seems. I told him I would do it only if we could use hot pink as the second of the two colors I had to work with. Luckily he agreed with me. We screened the car and darkened the wheel well and it turned out better than I thought it would. Best of all, you could see the book from across the bookstore.