UAB Honors College Annual Report 2023-2024

I was honored to design the annual report for the UAB Honors College for the 2023-2024 academic year. This year’s report highlights the extraordinary contributions and accomplishments of Honors College students in their service to the community and school.
Project Highlights:
• On-Brand Visuals: The design stays true to the UAB brand, using consistent colors and dynamic layouts that align with the theme.
• Student Features: Each section spotlights individual students and groups, showcasing their service projects and the impact they have made.
• Community Connection: With striking imagery and engaging storytelling, the report underscores the strong bond between the Honors College and the wider community.
• Interactive Components: The digital version of the report includes interactive features, making the content both engaging and accessible.
This project highlights my expertise in merging creative design with impactful storytelling, resulting in a comprehensive and visually striking annual report.