205-223-4415 shawn@shawnwright.net
How To Maintain  Your Website

How To Maintain Your Website

When your brand new website goes live, it’s easy to move on to other projects and not think much about it until the information gets old or you are ready to give it a refresh. Even if you are actively posting stories and updating content, it’s easy to ignore the rest....
Find typos before your readers find them

Find typos before your readers find them

Just because you have a blog doesn’t mean you have a full command of the English language. This blog is a prime example of that. And because we all know that in most cases, blog posts are one person cranking out story after story, sharing their experiences and advice...
Prospects and designers to be wary of

Prospects and designers to be wary of

I have been in the advertising and design business for over 30 years. Most of it as a sole-practitioner or working with a business partner. During that time I have had many prospective clients come across my door, and I have had many that I have entered into long-term...
Do your friends and associates know what you do?

Do your friends and associates know what you do?

I was on a conference call the other day with one of the organizations where I volunteer. I was asked to be on this conference call and help with their project because I was one of the few people with any marketing experience they knew. I just assumed that most people...
Writing, it doesn’t come natural to designers

Writing, it doesn’t come natural to designers

Writing does not come naturally to me. But I was reading the blog post “10 Reasons Why All Designers Should Start Writing More” by Alana Brajdic, and it reminded me of my own journey as a reluctant writer. I knew I always wanted to be a designer. Having a father who...